You've been a year that has held onto us tight. Teaching us all kinds of new lessons. Kicking us and making us understand that there is more to see, learn, do and share.
You are the end of a decade. A decade that held ALOT of growth and also hurt. From that comes the desire to start this new decade with a renewed commitment and enthusiasm to what we two long to impart around us.
So thank you for all that you brought.
It is time now that Debbie and I regroup and recharge our calling. And you have fueled that for us.
If you have been waiting for us to start our circles again .. it is coming. As soon as Jan 2020.
We are planning gatherings, Soul Book and will announce a weekly Soul Restoration that will launch soon.
We've experienced some changes .. and some challenges.
We are more committed than ever.
Because what we have worked through was a solid reminder that we were fortunate for the Soul Restoration Curriculum to get us thru. . and you know what? It reminded us that other women need this too.
Workshops and retreats will be held at a new venue .. at my home. As time goes by, our dream is to expand to a new setting .. and we are waiting to see how God delivers that opportunity. We will also share outings and opportunities with Sparks of Kindness .. because we have learned that through our challenges that serving others in need sometimes is the best remedy for our own heavy heart .. Alot of good things to come.
So as we move forward .. we hope you will join us .. we'd love to save a seat for you ..
Bring on 2020!
